About Us

rajneete.com (Politics.com) is a pioneering news portal registered under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of Bangladesh, headquartered in Dhaka. Since its inception on 3rd January 2024, it has emerged as a trusted source of accurate and reliable news for countless readers worldwide.

Specializing in political news, rajneete.com is more than just a news portal; it’s a platform dedicated to providing in-depth coverage, insightful commentary, thought-provoking opinions, comprehensive analysis and engaging interviews on political affairs.

While politics remains the central focus of this online medium, it delves into various interconnected aspects such as the economy, diplomacy, governance, administration, education, sports, health and even crime, as they are all deeply intertwined with politics.

Life without politics is inconceivable, as its influence permeates every aspect of society—from the household to the global stage. Whether it’s the dynamics within families, political parties or governments, politics plays a defining role. Even the smallest unit, the village, has its own version of politics—‘Village Politics’.

At the core of rajneete.com’s ethos lies the belief that politics, suffrage, and democracy are pivotal in shaping the power dynamics within political parties and governments, ultimately influencing the nation’s economy and governance.

Despite the controversies surrounding Bangladesh’s political landscape, rajneete.com acknowledges that politics is indispensable. Love it or loathe it, politics governs our lives, driven by the most educated, affluent and socio-economically influential individuals in the country.

With its commitment to courageous journalism, rich content and compelling presentation, rajneete.com has swiftly garnered widespread acclaim, captivating audiences not only across every corner of Bangladesh but also resonating with readers in other countries and territories worldwide through its web portal.

Core Values and Principles

Professional Journalism: We uphold transparent and objective journalism with unwavering courage.
People Focus: We champion the voices of the people and stand firmly by their side.
Change Catalyst: Each day, we advocate for positive change through our reporting.
Innovation: We constantly push the boundaries, seeking innovation and uniqueness in our approach.
Integrity: Together, we uphold the highest standards of integrity as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of news and information dissemination.